Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stepping up with STEP UP The Las Vegas Sun has been reporting on efforts by some to create a charter school where students earn future college credit towards a teaching degree. But in today's edition, reporter Emily Richmond says a CCSD magnet program already exists at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy.

Reportedly, John Jasonek, executive director of the Clark County Education Association, unveiled a proposal which according to the Sun, "is an outgrowth of a successful initiative started by the School District and the teachers union’s Community Foundation in 2004. STEP UP (Student to Teacher Enlistment Project Undergraduate Program) covers the cost of the dual-credit classes and offers students scholarships to local colleges in exchange for agreeing to work in district schools for four years."

It's good that we're introducing this program to young students. My take on this is simple...students in teacher academies today need to understand the obstacles they will endure going into the classroom. A lot of teacher training comes from research professors who likely have not stepped foot in a public school classroom in years. They may not be aware of the challenges and pitfalls that silently await our neophyte teachers. So in these programs...if that theory can trickle down somehow to the suspecting (or unsuspecting) student teacher, maybe they will have a better sense of what to really expect.

E.C. :)

1 comment:

YOUR RIGHT! said...

Dear School Board - In the federal case of Lavoni T. Kidd (a Las Vegas parent), the ACLU won a favorable judgment for Mr. Kidd. That is, government immunity no longer exists in matters where government employees (elected, appointed, hired) do not conduct verification of internal investigations. That is, if due to a government agent's lack of due diligence, a crime occurs to a person, the person can collect damages. Then, in a landmark decision by the federal courts in the same matter, the person can sue the government agent individually.

This is significant! We have complained to the CCSD, including board members, for years. Now, because of their neglect (lack of due diligence), we get to sue them personally.

CCSD employees,YOU ARE HEREBY NOTICED - Do not transfer, hide, conceal or act in any manner of neglect or fraud to transfer, hide, or conceal public, private, and personal assets.