Friday, October 30, 2009

More on the CCSD speech debacle: NPRI 
Education Researcher Karen Gray inks an article over at the Nevada Policy Research Institute that provides additional insights into the proposed policy changes regarding public comments at CCSD Board of Trustee meetings. And the proposal, as written, raises concerns.

Remember, the trustees are elected by us, the people. If they can't handle criticisms (especially when it comes to our children), then they shouldn't run for political office.


In a 180-degree turnaround, CCSD trustees are now considering prohibiting certain public speech and removing trustees' ability to respond to many public speakers.
Current board policy is that "trustees may choose to respond" to members of the public, whether the issues raised by members of the public are on the current agenda or not.

However, the "policy change" that the board is currently contemplating says, "trustees may choose to respond to you if your comments are addressed to an item on that meeting's agenda." (Emphasis added.)

Under this proposed new regime, therefore, if an individual raises an issue supposedly not on the board's agenda for that meeting, trustees will just stare at him and remain mute, no matter how important the issue. Official "policy" would even prohibit trustees from responding to comments or questions about policy — should such issues, however narrowly defined, not happen to be on the board's agenda for that meeting.
Earlier CCSD school boards gallantly pioneered the way for Nevada's tradition of open and reciprocal communication between the elected and the electors. Recent Clark County school boards, however, have affected a self-imposed code of silence that keeps the public at more than arms' length. 
CCSW will continue to follow this situation.

E.C. :)

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